Jan 4, 2021

The DVS Titles Edition!

What your job title reveals (or not) about what you do…

job title

a name that describes
person's job in an organization. Collins

A job title is a term that describes the position held by us as an employee, or a freelancer. Mostly it reflects the level of the position, our progression - junior to expert - and the responsibilities we handle. Your title can be just a few words, less or much more. In our 2020’s survey, Data Visualization Society (DVS) members have listed 911 different titles, as well as variations, starting from 2- letter titles to 82-letters!

How would you answer “Tell me about your job title?” — In this special edition, we wish to visually decode relations between your job title and other parameters. Let’s try?

  • IT
  • Data Science
  • Science
  • Comm-
  • Design
  • Art
  • Business
  • Finance
  • Economy
  • Teacher
  • Student
  • Research
  • Consultant &
  • Manager
  • Executive &
  • Director &
  • Unemployed
  • Another
Meet our five DVS families we subjectively defined based on their keywords and related fields. Each family has its own shades of color that indicate group affiliation.
Next we have the arcs. Each arc is a unique job title.
An arc representing a job title
The width of an arc reflects the number of characters in the job title.
Width of an arc and how it relates to the number of characters in a job title
The thickness of an arc indicates the number of people holding this job title.
Thickness of an arc and how it relates to the number of people holding a job title
A set of arcs ( = job titles) forms one group.
A set of arcs forming a group
The total height of the arcs reflects the number of people in the group.
The height of an arc and how it relates to the number of people in a group
And, a set of groups assembles one family!
Freelancers and Consultants pointing in the other direction and job titles that match more than one field are using mixed colors

Tell me about my job title

Presenting the DVS families:
Tap to see job titles

Arcs Scales

Demonstration of the width of an arc for job titles with 1 and 82 characters Demonstration of the thickness of an arc for job titles held by 1 and 62 people and demonstration of a group height for groups containing 30 and 175 people


  • The grouping of the job titles is based on their keywords they contain and on the main field related to each title. This classification is highly subjective, the goal being to show an impression of what a job title tells us about what someone actually does for work.
  • We have discarded 241 job titles that were not filled by the census responders, as well as 2 others that could not be resolved ("n/a" and "d").
  • Job titles containing the word “Engineer” but that are related to web or software development have been grouped in the Developers section. Other types of engineers have been grouped separately.
  • Consultants and Freelancers have been both considered as independent workers. Although many consultants are employed, they are of service to another company or project, that's why we have them go against the norm.

Creative Process
& Next

We wish to take you back to a time when there were no recruiters, headhunters, HR pro, or media channels. At that time, all job ads were published in prominent national & local newspapers.

Spiderman reading a newspaper in front of The New York Times
In the 19th century, newspapers began publishing job ads, along with other types of classifieds.

Imagine now, that you are invited to design a new job ads section to be circulated in a 19th-century newspaper, only using today’s tech & sci era traits, and for mobile users - how would it look? — This was our guiding thinking for the visual design of our first edition.

In our next edition, we plan to compose and add musical chords to our unique frequency arcs chart.

Stay tuned!


We are Anne-Marie, and Inbal, the AMI-Duet, and together we designed and developed this first DVS Titles Edition!

We’d be happy to hear from you!

Thank you!